homepage Stichting voor Kamermuziek

Welcome to the website of the Society for Chamber Music, The Hague

Each year you can enjoy our series of 6 chamber music concerts. We offer you top-quality ensembles from abroad and from The Netherlands.

The program for the season 2024/25 is ready. The brochure has been sent to our customers.
But you can also see the program here via our website; see the link on the left.
If you have not received the brochure, please send an email to info@stichtingkamermuziekdenhaag.nl
Seasonal tickets can be purchased already. See the link 'Tickets' on the left.
Tickets for individual concerts are on sale via the booking office of Diligentia.


Sorry, image could not be found 20.15 p.m.


Ulrich Isfort Violin
Annette Reisinger Violin
Aida-Carmen Soanea Viola
Matthias Diener Cello
Matthias Buchholz Viola


Brahms String quintet opus 88
Schönberg Scherzo for String quintet
Mahler “Ich bin der Welt abhanden gekommen”,
arranged for string quintet.
Bruckner String quintet

The ensemble's namesake is Pablo Minguet, an 18th century Spanish philosopher who tried to make the visual arts accessible to his audience. That idea also appeals to the members of the quartet in their performance practice. The ensemble was founded in 1988 and is now one of the most sought-after string quartets in the world, with performances in all major international concert halls. Over the years, the ensemble has been honored with nominations and prizes. In 2024, the ensemble will be a guest at the Salzburg Festival for the 4th time. In the programming for the 24-25 season, their focus is on “milestone birthdays”, such as those of Bruckner (1824) and Schönberg (1874).
Matthias Buchholz (1957) was educated in Hamburg and the US. He is a popular violist at recitals, international concerts and festivals. Early in his career he won prizes on international stages in, for example, Los Angeles and Budapest. In addition to giving master classes in Europe, Asia and the US, he worked until 2018 as a professor of viola at the oldest conservatory in Switzerland, the Haute École de Musique (HEM) in Geneva.

Website www.minguet.de