homepage Stichting voor Kamermuziek

Season Tickets and Individual Tickets Sale

Season Tickets

Please pay the required amount into our bank account NL25 INGB 0000 1850 34; account holder: Stichting voor Kamermuziek in The Hague indicating the number of tickets, your address (new subscribers) and your e-mail address. You hereby give permission to inform you about our concerts.
Upon payment before March 31, you will retain the seats you had the year before, when possible. After March 31 the seats are allocated in order of receipt of your payment

Questions about the allocation of the seats can be addressed to Ms. Jolande van der Monde
by mail to Diligentia (Lange Voorhout 5, 2514 EA The Hague)
by e-mail to service@diligentia-pepijn.nl

New subscribers are cordially invited.

Individual Tickets

Individual tickets can be bought from May 21 only at the box office/website of Diligentia

Tuesday and Thursday from 13.00 - 16.00 hrs
On the day of a concert from 19.30 - 20.15 hrs
by phone: 090-9203 (0.45 pm)  
Daily from 10.00 - 20.00 hrs
via the website www.diligentia-pepijn.nl


Season ticket  
(6 concerts on Tuesday evening including the program with explanatory notes (in Dutch only), wardrobe and a drink during the break) € 240,-
Individual tickets  
Full rate € 45,-
pupils / students / CJP €   5,-
Ooievaarspas (only at the box office) € 20,-

Subject to possible changes in the program
N.B.: In Diligentia you can only pay with your debit card. This refers to the sale of individual tickets and the refreshments before or after the concert.
As usual the refeshments during the break are free.