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Program season 2024 - 2025

          Subject to possible changes in the program

20.15 p.m.


Mathieu van Bellen Violin
Omri Epstein Piano
Ori Epstein Cello
Maria Milstein Violin
Noga Shaham Viola


“Child Prodigies”
Mahler Piano quartet
Von Dohnanyi Serenade for string trio, opus 10
Korngold Piano quintet, opus 15

The Busch trio was formed in 2012 at the Royal College of Music in London. The German-Swiss violinist/composer Anton Busch is the namesake of the ensemble, whose violin is played by Van Bellen. The leading trio is a welcome guest on major stages in Europe, the US, Canada and China and at well-known international festivals. They are praised for “effortless musicianship”, “a true pleasure from start to finish”. In 2016 the trio received the Anton Kersjes Prize. Due to a different type of intonation, violin and cello prefer to play on gut strings.

Maria Milstein (1985) is no stranger to our chamber music series. She already performed here in 2020. Maria received the Dutch Music Prize in 2018. She is also part of the Van Baerle Trio. She plays the violin on which Herman Krebbers has given many concerts

Noga Shaham (2001) is known for her exceptionally warm tone and artistic expression. As an exceptionally gifted viola player, she has been studying at the well-known Kronberg Academy since October 2023 and frequently performs with chamber music ensembles.

Website: www.buschtrio.com


20.15 p.m.


Sindri Lederer Violin
Andrea Burger Viola
Benjamin Lai Cello
Antonia Köster Piano


Mozart Piano quartet no 2 in Es major KV 493
Schönberg Verklärte Nacht (arrangement for piano quartet)
Brahms Piano quartet no 1 in g minor op.25
Unfortunately, Antje Weithaas and her friends had to cancel the concert due to circumstances.

The performance of this ensemble is synonymous with first-class chamber music. Their musicianship is admired for their sense of balance and interaction, which makes every detail of the composition audible. The listener is touched directly in the heart by their intimate interplay, in short, according to audiences and critics, a pleasure to listen to.
Since the founding of this ensemble in 2007, the quartet has rightly won many prizes worldwide, received awards and is a featured guest at renowned international festivals.
In addition to the well-known masterpieces, the quartet also ventures into contemporary music, world premieres and works by lesser-known composers.
Website: http://www.notosquartett.de/en


20.15 p.m.


Nicolas van Kuijk Violin
Sylvain Favre-Bulle Violin
Emmanuel François Viola
Anthony Kondo Cello


Haydn String quartet opus 74 no. 3
Mozart String quartet no. 1. KV 80 (“Lodi”)
Poulenc Fêtes galantes/Fancy/Les chemins de l’amour
Trotignon Ces messieurs: Francis
Fauré Après un rêve/Les berceaux
Trotignon Ces messieurs: Gabriel/Erik/Maurice/Claude

Contrary to what one might suspect from the name, this quartet comes from Paris, where it was formed in 2012. It studied with members of the Alban Berg, Artemis and Hagen Quartet and has since been heard on major international stages in Europe and the US, most recently at Wigmore Hall (2023) and Carnegie Hall (2024). The quartet has also made its debut in Hong Kong, Taiwan and Australia, where they also celebrated their 10th anniversary. They were previously guests in our series in the autumn of 2018.
The ensemble is a welcome guest at chamber music festivals, such as in Cheltenham, Heidelberg, Davos, Verbier, Aix-en-Provence, Fertod (Hungary) and Eilat (Israel). In 2015 it won first prizes at the Wigmore Hall International String Quartet competition and at the Trondheim International Chamber Music competition and also won prizes at the Aix-en-Provence festival.
From 2015-2017 they were BBC New Generation Artists and ECHO risings stars for the 2017-2018 season. Their interplay is described as “deeply thoughtful, with palpable joy.”

Website: www.quatuorvankuijk.com


20.15 p.m.


Ulrich Isfort Violin
Annette Reisinger Violin
Aida-Carmen Soanea Viola
Matthias Diener Cello
Matthias Buchholz Viola


Brahms String quintet opus 88
Schönberg Scherzo for String quintet
Mahler “Ich bin der Welt abhanden gekommen”,
arranged for string quintet.
Bruckner String quintet

The ensemble's namesake is Pablo Minguet, an 18th century Spanish philosopher who tried to make the visual arts accessible to his audience. That idea also appeals to the members of the quartet in their performance practice. The ensemble was founded in 1988 and is now one of the most sought-after string quartets in the world, with performances in all major international concert halls. Over the years, the ensemble has been honored with nominations and prizes. In 2024, the ensemble will be a guest at the Salzburg Festival for the 4th time. In the programming for the 24-25 season, their focus is on “milestone birthdays”, such as those of Bruckner (1824) and Schönberg (1874).
Matthias Buchholz (1957) was educated in Hamburg and the US. He is a popular violist at recitals, international concerts and festivals. Early in his career he won prizes on international stages in, for example, Los Angeles and Budapest. In addition to giving master classes in Europe, Asia and the US, he worked until 2018 as a professor of viola at the oldest conservatory in Switzerland, the Haute École de Musique (HEM) in Geneva.

Website www.minguet.de


20.15 p.m.


Anna Fedorova Piano
Nicholas Schwartz Double bass and cello


Gershwin Prelude no.2
Shostakovitsj Adagio for piano and double bass
Fedorov “The Oath” for piano and cello
Schumann Fantasie Stücke for double bass and piano
Debussy Sonate for piano and cello
Ginastera Five “canciones Argentinas” for double bass and piano
Fedorov “Confused Diffusions on a Fragment of Chopin” for double bass/cello and piano
Blickenderfer “Canal variations” for double bass/cello and piano

Anna Fedorova, “who doesn't know her…., world famous pianist makes an appearance together with her partner, the internationally prize-winning double bassist Nicolas Schwartz…” This was the headline in 2022 at a performance in Maastricht, so we like to repeat it in our chamber music series. We know Fedorova from the successful benefit concerts she organized for compatriots after the invasion of Ukraine. Fedorova started playing the piano at the age of 5, a year later she performed in public and her playing has since been awarded many international prizes.
Schwartz began his training in Boston and studied at the Herbert Von Karajan Academy of the Berliner Philharmoniker in 2012/2013. He has been employed by the RCO since 2013 and can also be heard annually at the Festival in Verbier. He is an all-rounder, from classical to jazz and rock and is the only one who has reached a top level on both the double bass and the cello. Together, the pair released the acclaimed album “Stolen Pearls” in 2021 and have since founded the Davidsbündler Music Academy for Ukrainian talents in The Hague.

Website: www.annafedorova.com
Website: www.nicholassantangeloschwartz.com


20.15 p.m.


Alexander Sitkovetsky Violin
Wu Qian Piano
Isang Enders Cello
Sharon Kam Clarinet


Debussy First Rhapsody for clarinet and piano
Sjostakovitsj Piano trio no. 2
Messiaen Quatuor pour la fin du temps for violin, cello, piano and clarinet

After a successful performance in 2017 and 2022, the much-praised Sitkovetsky trio is again on our program. The three have known each other since their studies at the Yehudi Menuhin school in England and founded the Sitkovetsky Trio in 2007. The ensemble has grown into one of today's leading piano trios with performances in Europe's important concert halls, the US, Asia and Australia. The trio always reaches highlights with its performances at internationally renowned festivals. With its dynamic presentation and well-thought-out and dedicated approach, the ensemble has won top prizes and rave reviews at home and abroad since its inception.
Sharon Kam (1971) has become a leading clarinet soloist after her studies at the Juilliard School of Music. In 1998 and 2006 she was awarded the German ECHO Prize as instrumentalist of the year. She feels at home with music genres from classical to modern and jazz. Over the years she has performed with famous orchestras such as the Chicago Symphony Orchestra and the Berlin Philharmonic. She also regularly collaborates with renowned chamber music ensembles.

Website: www.sitkovetskytrio.com
